Christmas Tour of Our Home

Monday, December 22, 2014

2014 is the second Christmas in our home in Columbia. This year, I had it down: I knew what I wanted to put where. It's hard to think that we only had 2 Christmases in our first home before we move: will this house beat the first one and host 3+ Christmastimes? Or will we be in another city next year? I don't know and I can't think about it right now! All I know is that I love this home and I love decorating it for Christmas!

Here's a quick Christmas tour of our home, 2014.

The big tree in the family room

Is there anything better than soaking up the glow of the Christmas tree?

Advent calendar: an ornament is added each day to the tiny Advent tree (below)

Family portrait!

I just love this little pillow...scored for $2.50 after Christmas last year at TJ Maxx!

Dining room

Even the bar in the dining room got some Christmas flair. 

I keep things pretty simple in the kitchen...too much other stuff is going on in there!

Front living room. Finally have furniture in there this year!

Our smaller tree in the sunroom. The best thing about it is you can see it from the street!

The girls are clearly thrilled with the decor!
Merry, merry Christmas!

Theme created by SWEET LEMON GREY