I was feeling crafty today. And hours on Pinterest over the weekend had pinspired me to make a new wreath for the front door. But these projects cost money, and with it being Essentials Only month, I couldn't justify a run to Michael's or the Hobster Lobster when we really aren't even spending money on food at this point in the month.
To stifle my crafty feeling, I started cleaning out my closet, which is something I've been meaning to do anyway. I tossed aside a couple of items that had tiny stains on them that I was planning to donate. Three of them were solid white: a pair of pants, a shirt, and a t-shirt. Just like that, inspiration struck!
I took the three items, a wire hanger, some ribbon, and a wooden "H" that I had bought for another project but hadn't used, and voila! New late-summer wreath for the front door. BAM. No money + an hour of time = mission accomplished.