It's OK Thursday

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Its Ok Thursdays
It's that time again! It's OK...
  • that I have almost completely fallen off the calorie counting train this week. Correction: I have been counting calories but not watching what I eat, like at all...
  • to look forward to Mondays because that's when Bachelor Pad comes on
  • that I want to order my new Erin Condren planner NOW but that means I wouldn't use my current EC planner for the rest of the year, which makes no sense
  • that I want to act like I'm 21 again while in Gainesville this weekend, but am scared to death I will look like one of those "old people" we used to comment about when I was in know, the ones who wear orange and blue non-stop all weekend and try to hang with the college kids
  • to buy bananas for the sole purpose of letting them get realllllly ripe so you can make banana bread. And chocolate-banana bread. 
  • to look forward to "sleeping in" tomorrow morning until 8:30am (today is my Friday, holla!) before hitting the road for Florida
  • that college football starts TONIGHT and although I'm pumped, I know life is about to get crazy and I won't have a chill Saturday for the next 3 months

Have a fantastic Thursday, peeps!

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