Tea parties and wine bars

Friday, April 12, 2013

Yes, I know: I am doing my weekend recap on Friday. Life has been a little crazy lately! Work has been keeping me busy (and late), and Ellie has had a little bug this week turning my evenings into clean-up duty and a trip to the emergency vet (she's okay now). But I digress.

Last week was a short one for me: I took Thursday and Friday off and headed down to Florida (sans the husband - boo) for two big parties: my Nana's 80th birthday and my sorority's 25th Anniversary.

I flew down on Thursday afternoon, and went to Okeechobee first to celebrate with Nana on Friday. She wanted a tea party - and boy did she ever! About 120 people came to celebrate with her. Sooo cute!

Saturday morning sunrise in Okeechobee
Saturday morning, I got super early and drove my rental to Gainesville to celebrate the 25th Anni of my sorority, Sigma Phi Lambda! Every chapter across the country celebrated the same day, and it was cool to think of all the sisters - current and alumnae - that were celebrating in unison. I got to see some of my sisters that I haven't seen in years - what a fun time!

Girls' night out!
Saturday afternoon/evening and Sunday were spent with my besties Lesley & Lindsey. So lucky to have spent 2 weekends in a row with them - that never happens! The three of us went out Saturday night, giving Les and break from the baby. I can't tell you the last time it was just the 3 of us out somewhere. It felt like college again. Except that I always feel old when I go out in Gainesville.

At the wine bar: heaven, I tell you!
I flew home on Sunday, picked up my babies from the boarder, and unwound from my trip. There's no place like home. And for me, home's three places: Greenville, Okeechobee and Gaiensville.

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