Friday's Letters

Friday, April 26, 2013

Oh hey, Friday. Feels like forever since I've seen you. Well, it definitely has been forever since I've joined in on Friday's Letters. And today seems like a good day.


Dear job: thanks for keeping me on my toes the last several weeks that I've been flying solo in the marketing department. I have been the busiest I've ever been in the year (as of April 23) since I started, but I'm loving it! Seriously.

Dear hubs: I am growing weary of you living 3.5 hours away. At first, it was kinda exciting that we were long distance, and I'll admit it was kinda nice to have some alone time. But now, 3 months in, I'm over it. I just want to live with my husband, is that too much to ask? I know it's out of your hands right now, and I'm excited for our future, but right now I miss you allll the time.

Dear Savannah: I am excited to spend a weekend with you and stroll your pretty streets and eat your amazing food. It's been a while. You will be a nice little rendezvous for the hubs and I this weekend! 

Dear pups: sorry you're at the "slammer" (aka the kennel) again this weekend. Soon enough mommy and daddy will live in the same place again...

Dear spring: yeah, I heard you started March 20 but honestly, you haven't shown your face yet. What's up with sending us residual winter temps? We've had enough of that, thanks.

Dear wardrobe: I am trying to give you an update for Spring/Summer as hard as I can, but I am just not loving the clothes in stores right now! I hate when that happens!

Dear treadmill: thanks for hanging in there and being patient while I slowly improve my endurance capabilities. I'm trying! And we're spending more time together now than we ever have before. I don't hate it.

Dear sweets: you and my dang sweet tooth are killing me. I can't quit you!! 

Happy weekend! 

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