Today’s the day: I’m 29! Last year on my birthday, I listed
28 things I wanted to do while I was 28. Some were one-time things, others were
ongoing; some were to-do’s that I had been meaning to cross off, while others
were larger, long-term goals.
As I read over this list, it reminded me how many things can
change in a year. When I made the list, Alex and I had been married just over a
year. He had just started a new job in medical sales and I was relatively new
at my job in Greenville. Life was looking like it would be pretty stable and
predictable (in a good way). We were optimistic about new opportunities –
opportunities that have since been replaced with new opportunities, in a new
house in a new city. But I wouldn’t change a thing.
How did I do over my 365 days of being 28? How many goals did
I accomplish, and what didn’t get crossed off my list?
Go apple picking for the first time ever - DONE!
Start baking for fun on a regular basis again - and share
with my neighbors and work peeps - some success toward
the beginning, but I wouldn’t say this was a total check.
Discover a new TV show that Alex and I both love - Done! We started watching Revolution and
Nashville in their first seasons. Can't wait for them to return in a few weeks!
Send at least one "just because" snail mail note per
month - my new stationery did not help. I would call
this a fail.
Make my goal weight in time for my reunion (Oct. 27!!) ...and
maintain it - Well this was "done" in time for
my 10 year reunion - but I gained some back. But I'm back at it again and hope
to be at my goal weight again soon!
Have a great time at my 10 Year High School Reunion :) - DONE!
Start planning and saving for a big vacation with Alex (we're
thinking Italy in 2013!) – our 8 days in Italy were possibly the
best 8 consecutive days Alex and I ever had together! We had a blast! All the
years spent thinking about it and planning for it were worth it.
Go on a weekend getaway to a place we've never been - we went to DC last
September - even though we'd both been, we'd never been together. We were so
busy going here and there (to places we had already been to) that we didn’t get
a full weekend of exploring anywhere brand new to both of us.
Start and finish our engagement and wedding showers/parties/bach
party/etc scrapbook - still haven't started it. Maybe before
I’m 30??
Send out more Christmas cards than last year - Done!
Create a Household Budget and stick to it - since Alex changed jobs more than once (technically 3 times)
since last September, this has been next to impossible. And I recently started
a new job because of the move. But we have a new budget drafted and I think we
can stick to it. Feeling good about this one!
Plan a surprise party for someone – DONE! I got Alex
pretty good for his 30th in January.
Update my Passport with my married name - and then USE
IT! – DONE and DONE!
Paint the Study and attach the bookcases to the wall (safety
first) – this was meant for our home in Greenville
(of course, before I knew we would be moving). But I am happy to report that
this has been DONE in the new house! Pics to come soon!
Have a Pinterest Party – nope – maybe this
Plant bulbs in the winter and watch them bloom in spring - DONE! I planted lilies :)
Host more than one dinner party throughout the year - DONE! Hosted several formal and informal
get-togethers (December, Easter, Memorial Day)
Get rid of one piece of clothing for every one new piece
purchased – I started out strong, then wavered, and then
got rid of a ton of clothes before the move. So I would count this as done!
Use our wedding china - DONE! Used at our dinner party in December and at Easter.
Organize the Golf/Work-out room and make it more usable - DONE! Currently working on Round 2 of this
in the new house!
Run a 5K (scary - I hate running) - I started the Couch to 5k training program in March, but then we
went to Italy…and packed up our house…and moved…and the treadmill was in
Get serious about our savings - in the last year, we paid down a lot
of debt and have contributed to our savings. Our tax refund helped, too!
Host a big, old-fashioned summer cook-out - DONE! Memorial Day with our neighbors
Learn how to play golf - Alex has promised to
teach me...but still no progress (or time!) But we have a lifetime for this.
Attend a dressy/fancy event with the hubs and get all
gussied up - DONE! We went to the
JLG's Big Night Out in February
Have a true girls' weekend – one is planned for
later this month with my Greenville girls! So I'm counting this as done :)
Build regularly scheduled massages into the budget (it's for my
health, I swear. I SWEAR.) – Sadly, this did not happen.
Be more spontaneous and try not to sweat the small stuff. Life
is too short! – This will be an ongoing struggle for me,
since I’m such a planner. But I do think I have done a teeny bit better about
it over the last year!
thought about making a new list for things to do before I’m 30, but I’m not
sure I’m going to do that. The fact that I will turn 30 in a year is enough to
deal with! Ha! Sure, there are things I want to do over the next 365 days, but
who knows what life has in store for us this next year. The only thing I really
want to check off a list is to enjoy my last year in my 20s and embrace 30 when
it arrives September 3, 2014!