Golf room domination

Monday, January 14, 2013

Well folks, the weekend was a success. You might recall that I told you on Friday about my big plans to dominate the room in our house that we call the Golf Room. The room where Alex keeps his golf equipment and where we have the treadmill and other workout necessities. The room that - bless my disorganized husband's heart - had become a total mess in which we could not find anything.

But this weekend, the clutter went down.

Take a look at the Before:
And the After!

Yep, it was a success. We went through everything - every bag, every box, every cubby. We grouped like items. We threw away 2 garbage bags full of trash. We created a huge "Sell/Give away" pile. And we currently have a ton of golf equipment listed on Craigslist. Boom.

Plus, we now how a clean, organized room where we can actually work on our fitness. Hooray!

Sidenote: You know you're old, married and boring when cleaning out a room is the highlight of your weekend ;)

Did you get any projects crossed off your list over the weekend?

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