Friday's Letters

Friday, September 7, 2012

Wow...I can't believe it's Friday already! This week flew for me. Just a perk of having Monday off. I have a great appreciation for national holidays that fall on Monday (unlike the Fourth of July this year...Wednesday?? Bleh).

Anyway, it's time for Friday's Letters!


Dear Friday: thank you for being you. You're pretty awesome. Dear Pottery Barn: why must thou tempt thee with everything in thy catalogs? I freaking love you and your overpriced decor. Dear bed: I am looking forward to spending more hours with you tonight than I have in a long time. Dear calorie counter app: sometimes I just want to delete you. But it's best if I don't. Dear Ellie: please don't wake up too early tomorrow, k? Mommy wants to sleep in. Dear Penny: you look like a little lion right now with your hair all crazy and shiz. I like it but you're getting groomed on Monday, ya hear? Dear DNC: glad you're over...let's just get on with this election, please? Dear treadmill: sorry if you haven't felt the love this week. I just haven't felt like giving it. Dear New Followers: YAY! Thanks for the follow! I hope I am entertaining enough to keep you, well, entertained :)  Dear husband: So excited about your good news this week! I love you! I'm super pumped for you and for us!!

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